If you are anything like me, you have probably registered for hundreds, and what feels like maybe even thousands, of accounts online that require a username and password. Even if you are trying to buy a pair of pants online, now it asks you to register for an account.
Because of this, one of two scenarios typically plays out. Either you reuse your “go to” password and username, which can cause a security threat if, for some reason, those login details were to be breached, or you can try to create a unique username and password combination for each profile or new account. This requires you to remember countless usernames and passwords and hope you get the right one before you are locked out of your account by accidentally putting in a different password.
Neither is ideal, and both pose problems for you in this online world.
Identity Theft
Identity Theft is a very real concern for personal information that is frequently used online every day. If your sensitive personal information is compromised, you could spend several weeks or months trying to straighten things out with the various accounts. In the worst-case scenario, your bank account is impacted.
Is there a solution?
One solution I have recently implemented is using a password manager. This option gives you the best of both worlds, as it allows you to create and generate thousands of unique and complex passwords without having to remember them all while still protecting your individual password for the overall account.
A password manager app allows you to log in to one secure web browser and then securely stores all of your passwords to autogenerate when you go to a site to log in. It may also have a feature to “auto-generate” a unique password with upper- and lower-case numbers and special characters, which is much more secure than using your favorite pet name(s).
Once you log in, you can import all of your current passwords. Some password manager apps give you a security score on each one, and you can go to each website to autogenerate a new, much more complex password to use moving forward. The service costs money, but it is a small price to pay for the security it offers.
Estate Planning
This can also be a valuable tool for estate planning. By giving loved ones the ability to see and locate important login information all in one place, you can save them time and headaches rather than trying to find all the required information for your accounts if something prevents you from giving them access. There are many different options for services, and I am sure there are some free options as well, but it is worth the time to try and centralize things and provide more security for your most sensitive information.
At Whitaker-Myers Wealth Managers, we take financial security very seriously as part of your overall financial health. If you have other questions about retirement or saving for your future, contact one of our financial advisors.