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If you're an EntreLeadership Podcast enthusiast, you're aware that the show has seen various hosts over the years. Currently, Dave Ramsey is at the helm. Not too long ago, Ken Coleman was the host. During his time, Ken encouraged listeners to send him letters via snail mail. He received a large number of letters from listeners nationwide, possibly including yours. Yet, one particular letter deeply moved Ken.

Ken recounts meeting a man named Tim Hilterman in the lobby of Ramsey Solutions some years back. While Ken mistakenly identified Tim's profession, since Tim wore firefighter gear to run a marathon for drug prevention rather than being a firefighter, Ken did share a portion of Tim's letter. This letter highlighted Tim's unique bravery, not in battling fires, but in saving a life from something that almost claimed his own early in his marriage: cancer.

Below is an excerpt from Ken's reading of the letter. You can also listen to the episode by clicking on the link here and starting at minute 2:30.

"I get that life is short. In 2007, after one year of marriage, I was diagnosed with invasive malignant melanoma. God chose to spare me, but I haven't looked at life the same. Jim Collins wrote in the forward to Halftime (A book by Bob Buford), "We only get one life, and the urgency of getting on with what we were meant to do increases every day." Two years ago, my wife and I got to know a cute 4-year-old who was on dialysis 12 hours a day because she had lost both kidneys to cancer at the tender age of 1. I had one of those, if not me, then who moments, and after some prayer, I decided to find out if I was a match to donate a kidney. In God's providence, I was, and now a part of me is giving Brielle a chance at a normal childhood.

This is quite impressive. It's the second occasion that a Ramsey broadcast has acknowledged one of our team members. You might also recall when a client showed their trust in Financial Advisor Jake Buckwalter.

Remember When: Tim Hilterman Featured on Ramsey Solutions EntreLeadership Podcast

January 17, 2025

John-Mark Young

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